Regulations of Tianjin University of Commerce


Tianjin University of Commerce, formerly known as Tianjin College of Commerce, was founded in 1980 by the Ministry of Commerce and the Tianjin Municipal People's Government。In 1998, the school implemented a management system jointly built by the central and local governments and dominated by local management。2007 It was renamed Tianjin University of Commerce。

Tianjin University of Commerce to establish "education of business talent,Teaching practical skills "school philosophy,To "learning, Hongyi, Mingde to help the world" as the school motto,Persist in cultivating "compound applied innovation and entrepreneurship talents with a high sense of social responsibility and profound business literacy",To build "a high-level university with distinctive business characteristics and docking with social needs",Serve economic and social development。

Chapter I General provisions

Article one  In order to promote independent education in accordance with the law and establish a modern university system with Chinese characteristics, the present Constitution is formulated in accordance with the provisions of the Education Law of the People's Republic of China, the Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China, and the Interim Measures for the Formulation of the Statutes of Institutions of Higher Learning。

Article 2  The Chinese name of the school is Tianjin University of Commerce, referred to as Tianshang;The English name is Tianjin University of Commerce, referred to as TUC。

The school is located at 409 Guangrong Road, Beichen District, Tianjin。

School Website:

The school may change its residence and website according to development needs。

Article 3  The university is a full-time institution of higher learning organized by the Tianjin Municipal People's Government and supervised by the administrative department of Education of the Tianjin Municipal People's Government。

Article 4  The University is a non-profit institution legal person and bears legal responsibilities independently。

Article 5  The school adheres to and strengthens the overall leadership of the Party,Hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics,以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,Strengthen the "Four consciousness", strengthen the "four self-confidence", and achieve the "two maintenance",We will fully implement the Party's basic theory, line, and strategy,Comprehensively implement the Party's educational policy,Education should serve the people, serve the governance of the Communist Party of China, serve the consolidation and development of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and serve the reform and opening up and socialist modernization,Adhere to education for the party, education for the country,Train socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, the United States and labor。

Article 6  The university implements the president's responsibility system under the leadership of the Party Committee, promotes the academic governance of professors, implements democratic management, adheres to the law, adheres to the teacher-student orientation, implements information disclosure according to regulations, and accepts social supervision and evaluation according to law。

Article 7  Centering on the orientation of "regional, application-oriented and business characteristics", the school is based in Tianjin, facing the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and radiating to the whole country. Guided by social needs, the school fully taps and thickens the business heritage of the school, and constantly improves the characteristics and quality of the school。

Article VIII  The University adheres to the development concept of innovative development, coordinated development, connotation development, characteristic development, transformation development and open development, and builds a high-level university with distinctive characteristics of business and docking with social needs。

Chapter two: Function and educational form

The ninth article  The University takes personnel training, scientific research, social services, cultural inheritance and innovation, and international exchanges and cooperation as its basic functions, and carries out relevant activities in accordance with the law。

Article ten  Schools shall, in accordance with the needs of society and the conditions for running schools and in accordance with laws and regulations, determine the scale of running schools and independently set up and adjust disciplines and specialties。The school currently offers management, economics, engineering, law, literature, science, art and other disciplines。

Article 11  The main form of education of the school is full-time education, including undergraduate education and postgraduate education, while following the principle of focusing on the main business, strict control of scale, quality assurance, part-time continuing education and non-academic continuing education。

The university shall, in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, determine and adjust the length of schooling for academic qualifications and implement the credit system。

Article 12  The University issues academic certificates or other academic certificates in accordance with law, formulates degree-conferment procedures in accordance with law, and grants bachelor's and master's degrees。

Article 13  Focusing on personnel training, the university deepens education and teaching reform, formulates and optimizes personnel training programs, organizes and implements educational and teaching activities in different levels according to the objectives, specifications and requirements of personnel training, strengthens the construction and management of teaching materials, establishes and improves the education quality assurance system, and improves the quality of personnel training。

Article 14  The University advocates scientific research, promotes the close integration of scientific research and personnel training, enhances the ability of scientific research and innovation, and promotes the transformation of scientific and technological achievements。

Article 15  The university has a sound social service system to provide intellectual and talent support for economic and social development。

Article 16  The school inherits and carries forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, pays attention to cultural education, and improves the humanistic quality, aesthetic sentiment and value pursuit of teachers and students。

Article 17  The school actively promotes international educational exchanges and cooperation, carries out international students' education, and improves the level of international education。

Chapter three Sponsors and schools

Article 18  The organizer of the school supports the school to run the school independently and independently in accordance with laws and regulations and the Constitution。

The school-running activities of the school shall be subject to the guidance and supervision of the organizer。

Article 19  Rights of the school organizer:

(1) To guide the development plan of the school in accordance with the law, and to regulate the conduct of running the school。

(2) Supervising the implementation of state laws and regulations by schools。

(3) Entrusting professional institutions and social organizations to evaluate the quality of schools。

(4) Other rights provided for by laws and regulations。

Article 20  The obligations of the school organizer:

(1) Support schools in running schools independently in accordance with the law and guarantee their autonomy in running schools。

(2) Provide stable funding and resource support for the school in accordance with the law, and ensure the school's conditions for running the school。

(3) Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the school and provide the school with rights relief channels。

(4) Other obligations stipulated by laws and regulations。

Article 21  The rights of the school:

(1) To formulate enrollment plans and determine the enrollment scale in accordance with social needs, school-running conditions and school-running scale approved by the State。

(2) Independently set up and adjust disciplines and specialties in accordance with the law。

(3) Independently formulate teaching plans, select and compile teaching materials, and organize and implement teaching activities according to teaching needs。

(4) To independently carry out scientific research, technological development and social services in accordance with their own conditions, and independently engage in various forms of cooperation with enterprises, institutions, public organizations and other social organizations。

(5) To independently carry out scientific, technological and cultural exchanges and cooperation with institutions of higher learning abroad in accordance with relevant state regulations。

(6) Independently determine the setting and staffing of internal organizations such as teaching, scientific research and administrative functional departments in accordance with actual needs and the principles of simplification and efficiency。To evaluate the positions of teachers and other professional and technical personnel and determine the distribution of performance-based pay in accordance with relevant state regulations。

(7) Independent management and use of the property provided by the organizer, state financial assistance and donated property according to law。

(8) Other autonomy in running schools as prescribed by laws and regulations。

Article 22  Obligations of the school:

(1) Abide by national laws and regulations。

(2) To implement the Party's educational policy, implement the State's educational policy and ensure the quality of education and teaching。

(3) Safeguarding the lawful rights and interests of educatees, teachers and other workers。

(4) To collect fees in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State and disclose the items of fees。

(5) Accept supervision according to law。

(6) Other obligations stipulated by laws and regulations。

Chapter IV leadership system

Article 23  Tianjin University of Commerce Committee of the Communist Party of China (hereinafter referred to as the University Party Committee) leads the work of the university in an all-round way, supports the President to carry out his work proactively, independently and responsibly in accordance with the provisions of the Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China, and ensures the completion of various tasks such as teaching, scientific research and administration。

The Party committee of the university implements democratic centralism and improves the system combining collective leadership and individual division of labor。All major issues shall be subject to collective discussion and decision by party committees in accordance with the principles of collective leadership, democratic centralism, individual deliberation and decision at meetings.Party committee members shall earnestly perform their duties in accordance with collective decisions and division of labor。

Article 24  The work of Party organizations at all levels in schools shall follow the following principles:

(1) Adhere to the direction of the Party's management of school running, the Party's management of cadres, talents, and ideology, lead the reform and development, implement the Party's leadership in all aspects of the whole process of school running and management, and ensure that the Party's educational policies and the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee are implemented。

2) Adhere to the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, take the Party's political construction as the guide, and run political standards and requirements through the Party's ideological construction, organizational construction, style construction, discipline construction and institutional construction, and the fight against corruption。

(3) Adhere to the deep integration of Party building with personnel training, scientific research, social services, cultural inheritance and innovation, and international exchanges and cooperation, and provide ideological, political and organizational guarantees for the reform, development and stability of the university and the completion of major strategic tasks of the Party and the State。

(4) Adhere to the ideological and political work as an important starting point for carrying out Party building, and take the effectiveness of moral cultivation as the fundamental standard for testing the party building work of the school。

(5) Adhere to strengthening the foundation at the grassroots level, improve the organizational system, institutional system and working mechanism of the school party, and comprehensively enhance the vitality of the school grassroots Party organizations。

Article 25  The University Party Committee is elected by the Party members' congress for a term of five years。Party committees are responsible and report on their work to Party members' congresses。The term system shall apply to party congresses。The plenary session of the University Party Committee shall lead the work of the University when the party congress is not in session。The University Party Committee sets up a Standing Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Standing Committee), which is elected by the plenary meeting of the Party Committee and is responsible to the Party Committee and reports its work regularly。The University shall formulate and implement the rules of procedure for the meetings of the Party Committee and the Standing Committee in accordance with relevant regulations and in light of the actual situation。

Article 26  The Party committee of the university undertakes the main responsibility of managing the party, running the school, directing the direction, managing the overall situation, making decisions, grasping the team, leading the team, and ensuring the implementation。The main responsibilities are:

(1) To publicize and implement the Party's line, principles and policies, the resolutions of the Party Central Committee, higher Party organizations and their own organizations, adhere to the socialist direction of running a school, run the school according to law, rely on the teachers and students of the school to promote the scientific development of the school, and train socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, the United States and labor。

2. Upholding the guiding position of Marxism,组织党员认真学习马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,Study the Party's line, principles, policies and resolutions,Learn the basics of the party,Learn business knowledge, science, history, culture, law and other aspects of knowledge。

(3) To examine and determine the basic management system of the school, discuss and decide on major issues in the reform, development and stability of the school, as well as in teaching, scientific research and administration。

(4) Discuss and decide on the establishment of the internal organization of the school and the selection of the person in charge。To be responsible for the education, training, selection, assessment and supervision of cadres in accordance with their administrative powers。We will strengthen the construction of leading bodies, cadres and personnel。

(5) Strengthen the construction of school Party organizations in accordance with the requirements of the Party to manage the Party and comprehensively and strictly govern the Party。Implement the responsibility system for grass-roots party building work, and give play to the role of grass-roots party organizations in schools as bastions of fighting and vanguard role of party members。

(6) To fulfill the main responsibility of the school's party style and clean government construction, lead and support the internal discipline inspection organization to perform the responsibilities of supervision and discipline enforcement, and accept the supervision of the discipline inspection organization at the same level and the discipline inspection supervision committee at the higher level and its dispatched discipline inspection and supervision organization。

(7) To lead the ideological and political work and moral education work of the university, implement the responsibility system for ideological work, maintain school safety and stability, and promote the construction of a harmonious campus。

(8) To lead school group organizations, academic organizations and faculty congresses。

9. Do a good job in the united front。Exercise political leadership over the grass-roots organizations of democratic parties in the school and support them in carrying out activities in accordance with their respective regulations。We will support non-party personages and other members of the United Front in participating in United Front activities and playing an active role。We will strengthen the work of non-Party intellectuals and strengthen the ranks of non-Party representatives。We will strengthen ethnic and religious work, carry out in-depth education on the awareness of building a strong community of the Chinese nation, and resolutely prevent and resist all kinds of illegal missionary and infiltration activities。

Article 27  The President is the legal representative of the university. Under the leadership of the University Party Committee, he implements the Party's educational policy, organizes the implementation of relevant resolutions of the University Party Committee, exercises various functions and powers stipulated by the Higher Education Law, and is fully responsible for teaching, scientific research and administrative management。

The principal functions and powers of the President are:

(1) To organize the drafting and implementation of the university's development plan, basic management system, important administrative rules and regulations, major teaching and research reform measures, and important school-running resource allocation plans。To organize the formulation and implementation of specific rules and regulations and annual work plans。

(2) To organize the formulation and implementation of the plan for the establishment of the school's internal organizational structure。To recommend candidates for vice presidents and appoint or remove heads of internal organizations in accordance with state laws and relevant provisions on cadre selection and appointment。

(3) To organize the formulation and implementation of university talent development plans, important talent policies and major talent project plans。Responsible for the construction of the teaching staff, the appointment and dismissal of teachers and other internal staff in accordance with relevant regulations。

(4) To organize the formulation and implementation of plans for major capital construction and annual funding budgets of the university。Strengthen financial management and audit supervision, manage and protect school assets。

(5) To organize and carry out teaching activities and scientific research, innovate the talent training mechanism, improve the quality of talent training, promote cultural inheritance and innovation, serve the national and local economic and social development, and make the school unique and strive for first-class。

(6) To organize and carry out ideological and moral education, be responsible for the management of students' school status and the implementation of awards or punishments, and carry out enrollment, employment and innovation and entrepreneurship education。

(7) Do a good job in school security, stability and logistics support。

(8) Organize and carry out international exchanges and cooperation of the University, sign cooperation agreements with governments at all levels, all sectors of society and overseas organizations on behalf of the University in accordance with the law, and accept social donations。

(9) To report to the Party Committee on the implementation of major resolutions, to report work to the faculty and staff congress, and to organize and deal with the administrative proposals of the faculty and staff congress, the student congress, the trade union member congress and the league member congress。Support the work of party organizations at all levels, grass-roots organizations of democratic parties, mass organizations and academic organizations of the university。

(10) to perform other functions and powers prescribed by laws and regulations。

The President's Office Conference is the administrative deliberative and decision-making body of the university. It mainly studies and puts forward plans for important matters to be discussed and decided by the University Party Committee, specifically plans and implements relevant measures decided by the University Party Committee, and studies and decides on teaching, scientific research and administrative management。The school shall formulate the rules of procedure of the President's office meeting in accordance with the relevant regulations and in accordance with the actual situation。

Article 28  The discipline inspection and supervision team of Tianjin Commission for Discipline Inspection in Tianjin University of Commerce performs the duties of discipline inspection and supervision according to the authorization, and supervises the Party Committee of the school on behalf of the Tianjin Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision。

Article 29  The university Party Committee adheres to the principle of Party management of cadres and implements unified management of school cadres according to the authority of cadres management。Selection and appointment of cadres,Political criteria must be highlighted,Adhere to both virtue and ability, and put virtue first,Insist on appointing people on merit from all over the country,Adhere to the cause of the first, fair and decent,We must pay attention to performance and be recognized by the people,We will strive to make our cadre more revolutionary, young, knowledgeable and professional,We will build a team of high-quality professional cadres who are loyal, clean and responsible。

Article 30  The school Party committee adheres to the principle of party management of talents,We will implement the strategy of strengthening China through human resources,We will implement a more active, open and effective talent policy,Improve personnel training, introduction, use, evaluation, flow and incentive mechanisms,We will vigorously promote the spirit of scientists,Create a working environment that focuses on education, scientific research and creativity,We will make good use of outstanding personnel within and outside the Party, at home and abroad,Create a good situation in which talented people come out in large numbers and give full play to their talents。Strengthen the political guidance and political absorption of talents, improve the work system for Party organizations to contact and serve experts, and constantly improve the ideological and political quality and professional quality of all types of talents。

Article 31  The Party Committee of the school adheres to the leadership of the Party over the work of teachers, takes the construction of teachers' ideological politics and ethics as an important basic work, always runs the leadership of the Party through the whole process of the construction of teachers, and guides teachers' ideological and political quality, moral accomplishment and professional ability to improve in an all-round way with the correct political direction and value orientation。Under the leadership of the school Party Committee, the Teachers' Working Committee of the Party Committee of the School shall study and deliberate major issues in the construction of school teachers' ideology, politics and ethics, and guide relevant departments to carry out their work。

Article 32  We will improve the systems for democratic oversight, public oversight, and oversight by public opinion, give full play to the role of audit oversight, and improve mechanisms for making Party and school affairs more transparent. With intra-party oversight as the leading role, we will ensure that all kinds of oversight are integrated, coordinated, and form synergy。

Article 33  The Party and government functions of the University shall perform their management and service duties according to the authorization of the University。

According to the needs of the work, the school may set up various committees or leading groups to carry out relevant work as a whole。

Article 34  The university trade union, the Communist Youth League, the Student Union and other group organizations, under the leadership of the University Party Committee, carry out activities in accordance with the law and their respective regulations。

Chapter V Academic management

Article 35  The University has set up academic committee, academic degree Evaluation Committee, Teaching Steering Committee, title appointment Committee and other academic organizations to actively explore effective ways for professors to conduct research, respect academic freedom, safeguard academic independence, and constantly improve academic governance capabilities。

Article 36  The Academic Committee is the highest academic body of the University, coordinating and guiding academic organizations at all levels to perform their duties in accordance with their respective charters。

The Academic Committee shall be formed and perform its functions in accordance with its statutes。The Academic Committee may set up a number of special committees on matters such as teaching guidance, teacher appointment, discipline construction, scientific research, academic ethics, etc., to undertake specific responsibilities and academic affairs。As needed, academic sub-committees are set up in the college (teaching department), and grassroots academic organizations can also be entrusted with corresponding responsibilities。

Article 37  The academic Committee has the power to consult, review, evaluate and make decisions on academic affairs。The University respects and supports the independent exercise of the functions and powers of the Academic Committee。Before the major issues are determined, they need to be jointly agreed by the chairman and deputy Chairman of the Academic Committee, and communicate with the main person in charge of the university Party committee and administration。All major matters involving the development of the university shall be reviewed and approved by the Academic Committee and submitted to the Standing Committee of the Party Committee for examination and approval。

Article 38  Before making decisions on the following matters, the school shall submit them to the Academic Committee for deliberation, or submit them to the Academic Committee for deliberation and direct decision:

(1) Plans for the construction of disciplines, specialties and teachers, as well as major academic plans for scientific research and international academic exchanges and cooperation。

(2) Independently set up or apply for the establishment of disciplines and majors。

(3) The plan for the establishment of academic institutions, the plan for the construction of interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary collaborative innovation mechanisms, and the plan for the allocation of disciplinary resources。

(4) Evaluation criteria and methods for the quality of teaching and research achievements and personnel training。

(5) Standards and rules for the conferment of degrees, training standards for academic qualifications, teaching plans, standards and methods for enrollment。

(6) Academic standards and methods for the appointment of teachers。

(7) Rules for academic evaluation, dispute handling and academic ethics。

(8) The organizational rules of the special committee of the Academic Committee and the statutes of the academic sub-committee。

(9) Other academic affairs that the University considers necessary to submit for consideration。

Article 39  The school implements the following matters, involving the evaluation of academic level, shall be assessed by the academic committee or its authorized academic organization:

(1) School teaching and scientific research achievements and awards, and recommend teaching and scientific research achievements awards。

(2) Candidates for high-level talent introduction positions, honorary (visiting) professor appointment candidates, recommend candidates for important academic organizations at home and abroad, and candidates for talent selection and training programs。

(3) Independently establish various academic and research funds, research projects, teaching and research awards, etc。

(4) Other matters that require evaluation of academic level。

Article 40  Before the university makes the following decisions, it shall notify the Academic Committee, and the Academic Committee shall give advice:

(1) To formulate overall and major development plans and strategies related to academic affairs。

(2) The arrangement, allocation and use of teaching and scientific research funds in the budget and final accounts of the University。

(3) Application of major teaching and scientific research projects and allocation and use of funds。

(4) To carry out Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools, to run schools overseas, and to carry out cooperation on major projects with other countries。

(5) Other matters that the School considers necessary to hear the opinions of the Academic Committee。

Article 41  The Academic Committee shall, in accordance with relevant regulations and entrusted by the University, accept and investigate academic misconduct and adjudicate academic disputes。

Article 42  The Academic Committee is composed of professors from different disciplines and specialties of the university and personnel with senior professional and technical positions. Candidates are selected through democratic recommendation, open and fair selection, etc., and determined by democratic election and other procedures。

Article 43  The academic degree Evaluation Committee shall be established and perform the functions of academic degree evaluation and conferring in accordance with its articles of association。

Article 44  The teaching Steering committee shall be established and perform the duties of consultation, deliberation and guidance of teaching work in accordance with its articles of association。

Article 45  The professional title appointment Committee shall be established and perform the duties of reviewing, evaluating and appointing professional and technical titles in accordance with its articles of association。

Chapter VI Democratic management

Article 46  The university promotes democratic management, makes school affairs public, establishes a sound democratic consultation mechanism, and guarantees and supports the participation of staff and students in school decision-making, implementation and supervision。

Article 47  The faculty and staff congress is the basic form for faculty and staff to participate in the democratic management and supervision of the school according to law。The faculty and staff Congress shall carry out its work under the leadership of the university Party Committee. When the faculty and staff Congress is not in session, the executive committee of the faculty and staff Congress shall perform its duties。The opinions and suggestions of the faculty Congress shall be made in the form of conference resolutions。The organizing principle of the Faculty Congress is democratic centralism。Its main functions are:

(1) Listen to the report on the formulation and revision of the draft charter of the school, and put forward opinions and suggestions for revision。

(2) To listen to the reports on the university's development plan, the construction of the faculty and staff, education and teaching reform, campus construction, and other major reforms and solutions to major problems, and to put forward opinions and suggestions。

(3) Listen to the annual work of the school, financial work, trade union work reports and other special work reports, and put forward opinions and suggestions。

(4) Discuss and adopt the welfare and on-campus distribution implementation plans directly related to the interests of the faculty and staff proposed by the university, as well as the corresponding methods for the appointment, assessment, reward and punishment of the faculty and staff。

(5) Review the report on the handling of the proposal of the last session (s) of the Faculty and Staff Congress of the University。

(6) Evaluate leading cadres of the university in accordance with relevant work regulations and arrangements。

(7) Put forward opinions and suggestions on the work of the school through various means, supervise the implementation of the school's statutes, rules and regulations and decisions, and put forward suggestions and suggestions for rectification。

(viii) Discuss other matters stipulated by laws, regulations and rules and agreed upon by the school and the school union。

The faculty and staff congress may elect an executive committee from among the representatives of the faculty and staff congress according to the actual situation and needs。During the non-session of the faculty and staff Congress, in case of important issues that need to be solved urgently, the Executive Committee can contact the relevant special committee (working group) and negotiate with the relevant institutions of the school。The results will be reported to the next faculty Congress。

The school trade union is the working body of the faculty and staff Congress and undertakes the work responsibilities related to the faculty and staff Congress。

Colleges and other secondary units shall establish the system of faculty and staff congress, and exercise corresponding functions and powers in their own units according to law and regulations。

Article 48  Student congress (including student congress, graduate student congress) is the basic form for all students to exercise democratic rights and participate in the democratic management of the school, and is an important bridge for the school to contact students。Its main functions are:

(1) Review the draft constitution and amendments of the Student Congress。

(2) Reviewing the work report of the Student Committee。

(c) Discuss major reform programs and important rules and regulations related to students' rights in the school。

(4) To collect and reflect the suggestions and opinions of student representatives on the work of the University。

(5) To participate in the discussion and decision of other major matters that should be resolved by the Student Congress。

The Student Congress elects the Student Committee, which shall exercise its functions and powers on behalf of all students when the student Congress is not in session。

Article 49  The University supports the participation of democratic parties, persons without party affiliation, and mass organizations such as the Communist Youth League in the democratic management and supervision of the university。

Chapter VII Teaching and research institutions

Article 50  The University shall set up teaching and research institutions such as colleges (teaching departments), research centers (institutes and institutes), engineering centers and key laboratories according to the needs of personnel training and discipline construction, and may change, merge, reorganize or cancel them in accordance with relevant regulations。

The College (Teaching Department) is a specific organization and implementation unit for personnel training, scientific research, social service, cultural inheritance and innovation, international exchange and cooperation。Teaching and scientific research institutions such as independently established research centers (institutes, institutes), engineering centers and key laboratories shall perform corresponding duties in accordance with the regulations of the university。The University shall, in accordance with relevant regulations of the State, expand and guarantee the scientific research institutions and researchers to enjoy the corresponding scientific research autonomy and enhance the vitality of innovation。

Article 51  The university implements two levels of management, based on the principle of appropriate power and consistent power and responsibility, the college is endowed with management rights in terms of people, finance and materials, and directs and supervises the relatively independent operation of the college。The College is self-managed within the scope of the University's mandate, and its main responsibilities are:

(1) To formulate the development plan of the College, carry out the construction of disciplines and specialties, the construction of the faculty, formulate the program of professional personnel training of the college, organize the implementation of teaching, and carry out teaching research, scientific research and other academic activities。

(2) Formulate the college management system, improve the internal organization, and carry out effective management。

(3) To be responsible for personnel appointment, assessment and management of the College。

(4) Responsible for the education and management of students。

(5) To manage and use the school-running funds and assets approved by the University。

(6) Conducting social services and international exchanges and cooperation。

(7) Perform other duties assigned by the school。

Article 52  The dean is the main administrative person in charge of the college, and is fully responsible for the daily work of the college, such as discipline construction, teaching and research, faculty construction, administration and foreign exchange and cooperation。

Article 53  The party organization of the college shall strengthen its political function, fulfill its political responsibility, ensure the completion of various tasks such as teaching and research management, support the administrative leadership and responsible persons to carry out their work, and improve the working mechanism of collective leadership, party and government division of labor and cooperation, and coordinated operation。The main responsibilities are:

(1) To publicize and implement the Party's line, principles and policies as well as the resolutions of higher Party organizations, and to play a role in ensuring and supervising their implementation。

(2) Discuss and decide important matters of the unit through joint meetings of the Party and the government。Party organization meetings were held to study and decide on Party building work, such as the appointment of cadres and the construction of Party members。Matters involving the direction of running a school, the construction of the faculty, the vital interests of teachers and staff, etc., shall be studied and discussed by the Party organization before being submitted to the joint meeting of the Party and the government for decision。

(3) Strengthen the construction of the Party organization itself, establish and improve the system of regular working meetings of Party branch secretaries, and specifically guide the work of Party branches。

(4) To lead the ideological and political work of the unit, strengthen the construction of teachers' ethics and ethics, and implement the responsibility system for ideological work。To introduce good teachers, curriculum construction, textbook selection, academic activities and other important work of politics。

(5) Do a good job in the education and management of party members and cadres of the unit, and do a good job in the education and guidance of talents and contact services。

(6) To lead the group organization, academic organization and faculty and staff congress of the unit。We will do a good job in the united front。

Chapter 8 The Students

Article 54  A student refers to an educatee who has been admitted by a school according to law, obtained the admission qualification and has a school status。

Article 55  Rights enjoyed by students in accordance with the law during school:

(1) Participate in various activities arranged by the school's education and teaching plan, and use the education and teaching resources provided by the school。

(2) To participate in social practice, volunteer service, work-study, recreation and sports, science and technology and cultural innovation and other activities, to obtain employment and entrepreneurship guidance and services。

(3) Applying for scholarships, grants and student loans。

(4) To obtain scientific and fair evaluation in terms of ideology, morality, academic performance, etc., and to obtain the corresponding academic certificate or degree certificate after completing the school's required studies。

(5) Organize and participate in student groups on campus, participate in school management in an appropriate manner, and enjoy the right to know, participate, express and supervise school affairs related to students' rights and interests。

(6) If there is any objection to the treatment or punishment given by the school, lodge a complaint with the school or the administrative department of education, lodge a complaint or institute a lawsuit according to law against the school or the faculty or staff infringing upon their lawful rights and interests such as personal rights and property rights。

(7) Other rights provided for by laws and regulations。

Article 56  Obligations that students should fulfill in accordance with the law during the school:

1. Abide by the Constitution, laws and regulations。

(2) Abide by the statutes and rules of the school。

3. Continue to love the Party, the country and socialism。

(4) Abide by academic ethics and complete the required studies。

(5) Pay tuition fees and related fees as required, and fulfill the corresponding obligations of obtaining student loans and grants。

(6) Abide by the code of conduct of students, respect teachers, and develop good ideological and moral character and behavioral habits。

(7) Other obligations stipulated by laws and regulations。

Article 57  The university has established and improved the employment work system and mechanism, strengthened students' employment guidance and services, and provided students with mental health education and consultation, cultural and sports facilities and related services。

Article 58  The school gives recognition and awards to students who have made outstanding achievements and won honors for the school collectively and individually。

Article 59  Schools shall give critical education or disciplinary sanctions to students who have violated laws, regulations or disciplines。

Article 60  The school protects students' legitimate rights to defend and appeal, and establishes rights and interests protection mechanisms to safeguard students' legitimate rights and interests。

Chapter 9 Faculty and Staff

Article 61  The faculty and staff of the school are composed of teachers, other professional and technical personnel, administrative personnel and workers。

Article 62  The school takes the construction of the teaching staff as the basic work, adheres to the first standard of teachers' ethics, promotes education simultaneously, and builds a team of high-quality teachers and staff with noble character, exquisite business, reasonable structure and vitality。

Article 63  Rights of faculty and staff under the law:

(1) Use the public resources of the school according to the duties of the work。

(2) Equitable access to appropriate job opportunities and conditions necessary for one's own development。

(3) To be fairly evaluated in terms of character, ability and performance。

(4) Fair access to various awards and honorary titles。

(5) Be aware of the reform, construction and development of the school and major matters concerning the vital interests。

(6) To participate in the democratic management of the school, and to put forward opinions, suggestions and criticisms of the work of the school。

(7) To express objections and lodge appeals on matters such as duties, welfare benefits, merit evaluation and awards, and disciplinary actions。

(8) Other rights provided for by laws, regulations and rules and agreed upon in contracts。

Article 64  The duties of the faculty and staff shall be performed according to law:

(1) Abide by the Constitution, laws, regulations and school rules and regulations。

(2) Dedication, hard work, due diligence。

(3) To be a teacher, abide by professional ethics and academic norms。

(4) Respect and care for students, teach, manage and serve them。

(5) Safeguarding the reputation and interests of the University。

(6) Other obligations stipulated by laws, regulations, rules and contracts。

Article 65  Teachers are the main force in running the school. Schools respect and care for teachers, and provide necessary conditions and guarantees for teachers to carry out personnel training, scientific research, social services, cultural inheritance and innovation。

Article 66  The school has established a complete training system, encouraging and supporting teachers to serve in academic organizations, trade associations and social organizations in accordance with laws and regulations, and participate in academic exchange activities at home and abroad。

Article 67  In accordance with the personnel management system formulated in accordance with the law, the university conducts regular assessment of faculty and staff, and the assessment results are used as the basis for adjusting posts, salary and renewal of employment contracts。

Article 68  The University shall commend and reward the faculty and staff collectives and individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the country and the University。

Article 69  The University shall deal with staff members who violate laws and regulations, university rules and regulations and employment contracts according to law。

Article 70  The University protects the legitimate rights of faculty and staff to defend and appeal, establishes a rights and interests protection mechanism, and safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of faculty and staff。

Chapter 10 The Alumni

Article 71  Alumni refer to those who have studied, worked, or advanced in Tianjin University of Commerce and its predecessor, and have been appointed as special professors, adjunct professors, visiting professors, etc。

Article 72  The school encourages alumni to participate in the construction of the school and supports the career development of alumni。

Article 73  The school encourages and supports alumni to establish alumni associations and alumni chapters with the characteristics of the faculty, class, industry and region。The Alumni Association and alumni chapters carry out activities in accordance with the relevant regulations and regulations of the State。

Chapter XI Funds, Assets and Logistic Support

Article 74  The main source of funding for the school is government financial allocation and business income, supplemented by financing through various channels。

The University attracts donations from alumni and society in accordance with the law to raise funds and increase educational resources。

Article 75  The school adheres to the principle of diligence and thrift in running the school, strives to save expenditure and improve the efficiency of the use of funds。

Article 76  The university manages financial work in strict accordance with national financial laws and regulations,The financial management system, economic responsibility system and internal audit system shall be established in accordance with the law,Constantly improve the internal control system,To regulate the economic behavior of the school and its departments (units),Strict management of state assets,Improve the efficiency of asset use,Prevention and control of various economic risks,Ensure the safe operation of funds。

Article 77  The university shall manage and use the state-owned assets it possesses and uses according to law。The University establishes a sound asset management system, strengthens asset management, optimizes resource allocation, improves resource utilization efficiency, and achieves asset preservation and appreciation。

Article 78  The University shall strengthen the management of intangible assets in accordance with national laws and regulations and relevant provisions of the University to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests and good image of the University。

Article 79  The school has improved the logistics support system to provide high-quality services for the study, work and life of teachers and students。

Article 80  The school has improved the construction of public service platforms such as infrastructure, books, documents and archives, and information technology facilities to meet the needs of school-running activities。

Chapter 12 School Emblem, School Song, and School Celebration Day

Article 81  The school emblem, in the middle is the Chinese ancient currency - shovel coin shape composed of the two characters "sky business" as the main design body, surrounded by the full name of the school in both Chinese and English。

Article 82  The school song is "Tianjin University of Commerce Song", written by Han Huilai and composed by Li Shuping。

Article 83  The school celebrates its anniversary on May 7。

Chapter XIII Supplementary Provisions

Article 84  The formulation and amendment of the Articles of Association shall be discussed by the teaching staff congress of the university, reviewed by the President's office meeting and the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, approved by the Party Committee, and submitted to the administrative department of Education of Tianjin Municipal People's Government for approval。

Amendments to this Constitution shall be proposed by more than 1/5 of the representatives of the Faculty and staff Congress of the University, the Standing Committee of the Party Committee or the President's office meeting。

Article 85  Other regulations of the school shall be formulated and modified in accordance with the Articles of Association and shall not conflict with the Articles of Association。

Article 86  The Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the University shall be responsible for the interpretation of this Constitution。

Article 87  The implementation of the Articles of Association shall be supervised by the Office of the Party Committee and the Office of the President。

Article 88  These articles of Association shall come into force on the date of approval and promulgation。